2025 Preseason Testing

So I need everyone to take a deep breath right now. The amount of delusion happening on the timelines is insane to see. Trust me, I have been having to talk myself down the last 3 days. We finally have cars back on track. We survived what seems like the longest off season ever. I have been looking at the countdown on my phone’s lock screen everyday since the coverage for Abu Dhabi turned off. We are finally in the home stretch.

If you are anything like me, leading up to this week you told yourself you are not going to get ahead of yourself. That you won’t be calling your shot on the season just yet. And if we are being honest with each other in the safe confines of this online public space- I am proud for how level headed I have been. Then I look at socials and let me tell you what. There are people shelling out takes that they are going to regret in about a month and a half but in all honesty, I find myself wanting to like and retweet every single one.

And, hey. Guess what? There is a specific amount of delight in being a little delusional.

With all of that being said - let’s discuss what I have taken away from each of the last 3 days.

Let’s Discuss

Primarily that this is the first time we are seeing all of the drivers interact on and off the track for the season. This is important for one of my most favorite phenomenon - adopting a rookie. Now, this may not be important to a lot of people but for the sake of the fan accounts, the social media accounts for all of these teams, and for the future of F1 in general, this matters quite a bit. The content that has come from our young drivers beginning to find their footing has been fantastic. We were able to see Isack doing what I feel like I wanted people to do - just touch Pierre’s hair because why not, we saw Lando choosing to hop onto Kimi’s cart, and the one that has really been circulating- Max having all of the rookies follow him out of the driver picture. These are just a few of the interactions that socials have been clinging to and the beginning of fans everywhere watching how the young drivers begin to come out of their shells.

Day 1

While on the topic of rookies- everyone please say hi to Kimi. Our one true rookie who ended up being within the top 10 at the end of the day. Either the car is good or he’s just him at the moment. More to come on this developing story.

People put a lot of stock into the driver with the fastest time on day one being the biggest indicator for the season. So, McLaren fans - Lando having the fastest time is probably the greatest thing to happen to you all week. But I see all of you saying you want to move in silence which may be a bit difficult considering all of the hype your team and your driver are getting after the performance that was put on during testing. You must stay strong. I am a big believer in jinxing and am extremely superstitious. Just remember, the season isn’t over until it’s over.

Also, y’all. Williams. I am not sure what they are cooking up but we can not sleep on them this year. Again, trying to be calm and normal or get ahead of myself but both of the drivers being within the top 10 at the end of the Day 1? Who would have thought?! Not me.

Day 2

Everyone say thank you to Lando and Charles. The little racing moment that they gave us today really was a pinch me moment. We are so freaking back.

Alright Ferrari fans. Looking at you today because I just know in my heart of hearts you guys are ready for war. To storm to Maranello. Crown your kings. You guys must not jinx the entire season. The car seems to be so consistent and the energy still seems to be up from the team and drivers which is major. You just need to let them cook for a minute. You can overreact after Australia.

I have said it once and I will say it again. Don’t look now but…Williams. I am not sure what James and the team is cooking up but I really am forming a strong need to support this team as one of my favorites for the season. They came out at the launch event with an aura and they are now backing it up with their performances on track. I truly think that we all need to keep an eye out.

Day 3

I truly think that this sport has the extreme inability of being serious for more than 48 hours at a time. How are you going to explain to anyone that one of the richest sports in the world had: the power go out, glass on track, and a bus on track when you’re the only people using the track. It keeps things interesting of course and it really did make me laugh.

Here is my thing: Red Bull has been quiet. Very quiet. It’s almost concerning levels of just going about their business. That organization is built on causing commotion - I mean this in a good way Red Bull fans relax. So truly having not heard any major headlines or comments coming out of their camp has me very suspicious. Maybe I am just always on edge when it comes to this team.

Final Thoughts & Looking ahead

And with that. 2025 testing is done and we look ahead to the season opener in Australia. I hope all of our engineers and behind the scenes besties gathered all of the information they needed because those upgrade packages throughout the season is what causes me the most stress.

Use this last week of no racing to get your affairs in order. Find a way to get off of all major projects at work, find a good meditation app, and express order all of your fan merch to make sure it gets here before the start of the season. Enjoy Drive to Survive if you’re a viewer and put yourself through that drama. Not particularly a fan but enjoy if you wish. It’s really the time to decompress and let your hopes for the season get extremely high.

Let the countdown officially begin.


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